Opening of the Clarks Town Transportation Centre and ground breaking for the Clarks Town Market.

Clarks Town, located in the heart of the Trelawny sugar belt, on Friday, April 6, 2018, received a major boost by way of the opening of the Transportation Centre and ground breaking for the Clarks Town Market.

Market Rehabilitation

 Speaking at the opening, Minister of Local Government and Community Development, Honourable Desmond McKenzie stated, "Our markets are in desperate need of attention, and it is the obligation of the Government to ensure that we provide the necessary resources".
Minister McKenzie announced that the Government has taken a decision to set aside approximately J$150 million from the budget for this financial year to improve and upgrade markets island wide. From this allotted amount, the Clarks Town Market will receive $20 million to undergo its rehabilitation project.
"We will be breaking ground so that by the end of this month, construction will begin to give you a brand-new market to complement the transportation centre" added the Minister.
He also disclosed that a further $10 million has been committed to complete the new Falmouth Market which will facilitate the relocation of vendors from the popular ‘Bend Down’ market space.

Transportation Centre

Beaming with pride, Mayor of Falmouth, Cllr. C. Junior Gager, stated “The Trelawny Municipal Corporation is dedicated to the growth and development of the parish through its operations, and today’s opening of this transport centre is testament to that”.
The Mayor continued, “Not only will this centre create a main space for vehicles, but it will also regulate the commute of passengers to and from this major town”.
 Clarks Town Transport Centre will serve as the hub that connects people to Falmouth, Brown’s Town, Albert Town among other major towns.
The Mayor seized the opportunity to commend the residents for being property tax compliant, “I am even more delighted to inform you that the collection in the parish of Trelawny was $340.7 million, which amounts to 106 percent or $19 million more than target.”
Trelawny is the only parish, next to the ‘Property Tax Collection Giants’, KSAMC to reach and surpass the Property Tax target for the financial year.